Kafi - Yeter - Enough

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Aylin, married neurosurgeon Yekta Harmanlı'yl to. Yekta, who wants to be perfect in everything in life is a man obsessed. Monthly husband's life turns into a nightmare getting to know the real face. The first children who Kaan, the day starts to show violent tendencies as his father passed. 
Aylin, pregnant with her ​​second child when she learned she makes friends with the help of a plan to get rid of her husband. The second child died at birth shows as her husband. Baby also gives the children without his brother and aunt for a while. 
My aunt agrees to look into the secrets for money and child custody. Fast forward five years. Aylin save enough money to escape from her husband; but the plan fell into the water with finding Yekta's money. On the other hand the child facing her aunt, a monthly financial support that wait could not get angry. 
Availability share the love. To spoof the money lover, he says he thinks the child had died of Yekta. Aylin's life takes an inextricable Yekta's learning the truth. 
This vortex will be the only person who helped him Uras, young love ... 

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