Ghame Hejran - Hicran Yarasi

Hicran mother of 3 children, day care with the death of his old madam, attains an unexpected inheritance. As well as the most difficult period of their lives. Dursun her husband in his hands, palms have sunk all the money in the host were based on doors to evacuate the house. Gospel daughter, overwhelmed by this poor life, is to run away from home. The eldest son Tariq who can not handle an ax, every moment is prone to getting into trouble. But the family, the joy of living heritage before it is installed, Hicran, just like Madame suddenly dies leaving her legacy. Worse Hicran it is the only one who can receive the legacy. Now the family, in a serious way ayırımındadır.y with Hicran'l vezgeç heritage will also find a way or another as the Hijri show will take heritage. Despite all appeals Dursun (transleated in Google from Turkish in English) 

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