Khiabanhaye Estanbol - İstanbul Sokakları


Nazli growth from birth to suffer from heart disease, a beautiful 24-year-old beautiful angry. The only cure for the disease is to perform a heart transplant. But this in fact know a single father but could not find a heart to tell him not to be transferred to her.
Precisely at this time, the owner of a construction company meets the Euphrates. fall in love with each other. But their love is the most painful and unfortunate.
Forced to leave after a single night of love spoiled and Euphrates. Because it spoiled the day before he learned to die without a heart transplant.
Here's an idea comes to mind is precisely at this moment Nazli's father Rafiq; To experience the girls will afford to be a killer. And the boss himself who donated her heart to grieve situation spoiled both already makes a car accident on purpose to kill Şükriye lady. played with the car's brakes. the man she immediately fell in love with excitement of being spoiled has addressed a second chance so ran to the Euphrates.
However, love has become impossible. no winner at the end, our hero becomes a painful struggle of life. And the immortal love Nazlı'yl Euphrates is the only remaining true ... (translated in Google)

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