1001 Shab - Binbir Gece

The story is about Şehrazat Evliyaoğlu, a talented architect who works in Binyapı, a construction company owned by Onur Aksal and Kerem İnceoğlu. She is the mother of a five-year old boy who suffers from leukemia and needs an urgent and very expensive surgery. Onur Aksal is a successful businessman and Şehrazat desperately tries to find ways to borrow the money she needs for her son's very costly surgery, a bone marrow transplantation, because her little son's life is in danger. Only her boss Onur, who is secretly attracted to her, accepts to give her the money on condition that she spends one night with him. 

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Watch it on Official TV Persia Channel 

 Tamasha Dar Internet: farsi1hd.com/1001-shab.php